The Brand

We believe in magic. This is why we make magical clothes for little people: tiny treasures to make you feel special, like a child.
Do you remember turning around and around in the skirt that you loved, until you believed that you could fly?
Our name also contains magic, because children love strawberries & cream; and through our clothes childhood can be much sweeter - it can be magical.
Because the threads with which we stitch our garments are the stories that the little ones will live when they dress and dream: unforgettable, unique moments.
Our small collections have a vintage touch - in their patterns, their design and the way they are made. First we imagine a story; and from there we choose prints, create embroideries, select the best materials - silks, cottons, soft tulle - and get excited when we discover special ribbons... And each story ends when our seamstresses’ expert hands turn magic into reality, in each of our garments.
Welcome to Strawberries & Cream, welcome to our magical world.
Magical clothes for little ones.